Snow (a.k.a. global warming) seems to have arrived early this year, and since I am marooned at home as a result, like many others, it seemed to merit an entry.
My (personal) view of global warming/climate change, is that the climate has always changed, and our contribution is unlikely to be significant. The difficulty for scientists and university departments investigating this is that continuation of their funding largely depends on the promotion of the domesday scenario - it would be very difficult for them to find work if they declared that CO2 was pretty harmless and that climate depends on outside influences, such as the sun. CO2 is plant food and essential to life on the planet, even though it constitutes less than 1/2000 of the atmosphere. Indeed, much less, and we wouldn't be here at all, so a bit more is probably not a bad thing.
This doesn't mean that I approve of waste (or all the other messes we make) but, in my view, the weather is something we have no control over. The Met Office have difficulty with this, as they are contributors to the alarmism, and tend to tie themselves in knots when called on to explain it, as nicely illustrated here.
Anyway, the snow is very picturesque, although somehow I doubt that the Tourist Board will be making much use of it. If I recall correctly, the message always used to be that it never snowed on the Isle of Wight, but I guess that will have to be revised, as we already had a large dose in January, which is when I took the photo above. Click on it to enlarge.
More, and more recent, photos here.