Sadly we have been plagued with errors about the venue. Last year the County Press advertised it as at Arreton Manor in their one line summary, with the result that people turned up at the locked gates, so sorry to Andy and Julia for that one.
This year the Apollo Theatre has generously included our event in its programmes but it is listed as "BUNBRIDGE MANOR" which sounds faintly like something from Jeeves and Wooster, or perhaps The Importance of Being Earnest?
AND the County Press has done it again today with "BURBRIDGE Manor" in our very expensive advert!
If anyone out there reads this then please do let your friends know that it is BUDBRIDGE Manor and they can get there by going North up Merstone Lane, into Bury Lane (the only RIGHT turn) and then RIGHT again into Budbridge Lane. The alternative from the Sandown Road is to follow the East Lane which is a few yards from the top of Merstone Lane and the first LEFT turn after Arreton Cross coming from Arreton.
Locals can easily walk or cycle to the venue and there will be car parking provided.
Come early, bring a friend, family, food and a rug or chairs and enjoy a unique occasion.
Call Lin Watterson 528921 for ticket reservations.
Arreton Community Theatre Group
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