Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Suggestions Box

We hope that parishioners will make use of the website as it develops, and comment on items posted here. If you, dear reader, would like to add to this blog, say by reviewing a recent event, stating an opinion on local matters, or just letting us know about an upcoming event that deserves some coverage, please add a comment here and someone will either do it or get back to you.


Anonymous said...

Hi this is Robin Oluton testing the system. Can someone come back to me if it works - thanks

Ray Girvan said...

You might be interested in this weblog post - The Reproach of Annesley - about the Maxwell Gray novel whose central location is "Arden", closely based on Arreton.

Ray Girvan

J Bonington Jagworth said...

Thank you, Ray. I will certainly do something with that. It's about time this blog was updated anyway!

Ray Girvan said...

Thanks! It might even mesh with local history. In the novel, Mr Rickman at Arden Manor is a geeky old antiquarian who collects coins and historical memorabilia. I just Googled a little and find references in various antiquarian/collecting journals showing that Frederick Roach, who lived at Arreton Manor in the time slot when the novel is set, had so similar interests that one might strongly suspect Rickman to be based on him.